Have you ever stopped and thought about who the THEY are that are streaming these things into your home. Let me tell you who THEY are. THEY are those forces out there that do not care about the purity of your heart or your families heart. THEY are the people that are only concerned with making as much money as possible regardless of what it does to your family. THEY are the time stealer's that persuade you into wasting hours in front of an idiot box instead of investing time into the lives of your family. Oh sure, THEY try to tell you that what THEY have to offer is worth your time and concentration. But the truth is the time we waste on the TV is time we can never get back. It is time wasted that you will wish you had when your children are grown and out of the house. It is time you will wish you had when your bride of 50 years is dying in bed and you are praying you could take her place. It is time you wish you had back so your could pass down truth and wisdom to your children so that their heart will remain strong when faced with temptation.
Again, I'm not saying you can't enjoy some time in front of the TV with a good movie or a romantic story but for too many of us the TV has become an idol. And whether we want to admit it or not it has become a god that has dominated our lives.
So let me offer you a suggestion. Change your family tree! Be the first of your family to say, "NO MORE! No more am I going to allow the television to dominate my life or my families life!" For most of the people from my generation (I'm 38 years old) the TV has been a major player in our lives and in our parents lives. So it is a major step to say, "I am going to make a change!" But that is exactly what we must do. Particularly, fathers must be the defender of their realm. Guys, we have to be the change initiator in our families. It is our job. It's our role as leader of the home.
I want to thank my wife, for reminding me how we must protect the heart of our children. I want to thank her for reminding me that if we are going to change our family tree it must start with me. I want to thank her for encouraging me to not be afraid. By the way ladies, this is what a wife does.
So, dads put the remote down and instead of watching basketball pick up a basketball and let your son have a new hero! Dad, show your daughter how a man is to treat a lady by taking her on a date instead of she having to try to figure it out by what she sees on TV. This is changing your family tree.
Don't be afraid to change your family tree!
Paul Kersh
Family Tree Ministries