Friday was a spectacular day in the Kersh household. It was the day that our third child, Alizabeth Hope, officially became a Kersh. For those of you who don't know Alizabeth (Lizzie) was born on April 12, 2010. Eight minutes after her birth she was placed into our arms and that is where she has been ever since. Needless to say that was an incredible day. As it was when all our children were born. But there was something special that took place this past Friday, March 4th 2011. On that day we were privileged to see an amazing picture of the grace of our Lord Jesus.
At times I think it is hard for the follower of the Jesus to fully understand the significance of our adoption by God through His Son. Sure we know that we are His children. But what does that mean. On Friday when the judge signed the finale papers, he was saying this child now has a new name. She has a new birth certificate. She even has a new place of residence. She is now entitle to all the rights and privileges that come from being apart of your family. You see, this is the reality that every Christ follower has. The moment that Jesus died on the cross, the finale papers were signed. So when you and I trust in Christ alone for our salvation we were given a new name. We were given a new birth certificate because our name was written in the Lamb's book of life. We were given a new residence, heaven. We were given all the rights and privileges of being called children of God.
As great as Friday was and as great as our Lord is for doing what he has done in my family with the gift of three wonderful, beautiful children. The truth is, even if God had never done any of the things He has done, He would still be great! The truth is even if the unthinkable would have happened and Lizzie would have been removed from our home, for whatever reason, Our God would still be great! Even if one day, all that we have is striped away from us our God will still be great and be worthy of our praise. You see, we must praise God for what he has done, but even more importantly we must praise Him for who He is. He is God and He lives! Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because He lives I can face the future. And this life is worth living only because He lives. That should be a song.
So here is my challenge to you, take some time to praise the Lord. Not just for some of the things He has done, but also for Him just being God! One sure way to change your family tree is to place God in His rightful place in your life and your home. Speak justly of Him. Make much of Him when you lie down, when you rise up and as you walk by the way. Tell of His infinite wisdom and be determined to change your family tree.
Paul Kersh
Family Tree Ministries